Wednesday, March 9, 2011


           Well! This is the VERY first time I've ever tried this.   
             Actually, lemme correct that, this is the very first time
                  I've ever FINISHED this! I've tried plenty of times
                    before on posting a post and FAILED, due to laziness
                       Ah, it's fun changing word's colour for no                                                       entire                          reason.
                (Fact: Thy correct way to spell 'color' is COLOUR!)

                              Now, here's something else new! 
                                T&T! Yes, T&T! What tis that? 
                             It stands for TOAST & TURTLES
             I've recently have that written by pen on the side of my arm. 
                                           Thanks to Genell.
              I'm not sure why, but people love writing on me.
                     I'm like a freakin' piece of paper to them.
                                Not that I'm complaining :)
                          I also have, "Don't get deported!"
               written on my left hand, by truly yours, Lorena.
                                         How thoughtful.

                                             Quick fact!
                             Klink means 'Gear' in japanese! 
                        My friend Dana recently told me that...
                      And when I mean recently, I mean NOW
                        On facebook. Technology these days...

                          Lucky Charms = Magical delight.<3 
                              (I'm eating those right NOW)

                               My amazing father of mine,
                      bought me the NEW Pokemon game 
                                           WHITE version.
                                         No, I'm not racist.
                              I played it during the ISATS.
                           Silly me, I should know better.
                               (I'm currently in 8th grade)

                       Why did I just say I'm in 8th grade? 
        WELL, what if when I'm WAY older and come across this? 
                    I would love to know when I wrote this.
              It'll probably bring back good crazy memories. 
                                     (Hello future me.)

                      I'm listening to Rick singing right now. 

                             (Don't know his last name) 
                       It's not like I have an actual choice.
                           Ah, this website is so amazing
                         G A M E (You lose.)

                                      Rules of GAME
1.Once you think about the game, you automatically LOSE.

2.The objective of the GAME is to not think about the GAME. (Good luck)

3.You announce the word GAME, to make OTHER people lose.

4. You have to wait half an hour before announcing the GAME again, giving other people including you a chance to forget.

HAVE FUN!  (I said GAME 6 times.) 

                                 Can't wait till graduation!

                        I WANT SOME FRUIT ROLL UPS!
          See, my friends and I (Maggie & Sarrah) have made a bet.
            If Sarrah can go through out the WHOLE 8th grade year 
                                  without getting into a FIGHT
                                you know, like, BAM & POW!
                             Then we've agreed to give Sarrah
                                TWO boxes of fruit roll ups.  

                                          Awesome R Us,
                   a place where awesome people and us go to. :) 

                                       Well, I'm tired now
                               I think I'll just pop into Narnia  
                (Which is located in my hoodie) and go to sleep.   

G O O D N I G H T , P E O P L E O F  E A R TH !
                       (And anyone else who inhabits it.)
                                     (And also space creatures)
                                              (K, I'm done.)  

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